Anyone interested in self defense should have at least some fundamentals in every area of fighting. The truth is most people simply are not conditioned to the stresses of physical violence or even the mere threat of physical violence. Many people don’t realize the mental fight that accompanies the physical fight in a self defense situation. The result is a panicked mess of limbs with minimal to no guiding intelligence in the attack or defense.
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gives its practitioners a sense of body and situational awareness while allowing them to defend themselves against attackers of all sizes. It is said that a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can defend themselves against any untrained assailant on the streets. You usually will not encountered a trained assailant for they have better, more productive things to do with their lives.
BJJ teaches to neutralize and control the assailants in a non-lethal way. Utilizing control versus striking tactics which could land the defender with battery charges and possible civil lawsuits.
A Brazilian Jiu-jitsu belt which is the second belt rank after white has the ability to defend themselves against any non-martial artist on the street, usually takes about 1.5 years of training.
The live training in every Renzo Gracie Jiu-jitsu class will build muscle memory for those techniques as well as have you utilize them during every class so you will be confident when the situation arises.
Brazilian Jiujitsu helps improve self-confidence by learning ways to control a situation without having to hurt the other person.
Live training in Renzo Gracie BJJ school against a resisting training partner / classmate will test your skills out every class. Training in Jiu jitsu will teach a student to defend themselves.
Bully Proof : most bullies lack self confidence hence needing to bring someone down to below their level.
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu teaches you walk with confidence and not look like a target.
When those skills are needed however, the bully doesn’t have to be hurt to be neutralized. It is less likely or even impossible to get in trouble when you are just holding down an assailant be it in a street altercation or a school bully situation.
Given the recent school bullying issues, many schools have adopted the suspend both parties rule — the bully and the victim. This may be a misguided point of view for if a person being bullied fights back, they are in fear of also being suspended.
Brazilian Jiujitsu is a martial arts that teaches you to control your aggressor. For example, getting out from a badly pinned / bottom position which is practiced at every class and then reversing the position where the victim now is on top and in control via a top mount (sitting on top of opponent position).
Live training is done at every Renzo Gracie BJJ class where 50% to 75% of strength are used by the students to try out their techniques. So you will feel confident when the comes time to use them.
Brazilian Jiujitsu is based on the theory that a weaker, smaller person can beat a stronger person by using leverage and physics.
Use of Brazilian Jiujitsu in law enforcement.
Renzo Gracie Academy respects and appreciates our law enforcement brothers and sisters to which we have a special VIP membership for.
Given recent headlines and news of police brutality, Brazilian jiujitsu can help give out the skills to control the situation with confidence without injuring the suspect, avoiding local and national headlines.
Law enforcement officers must defend themselves and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu will give you those skills to do your job effectively, efficiently and without injury to yourself, your partner or even the arrestee.
At Renzo Gracie Jiujitsu Academy, live training is done in BJJ class for you to test out techniques so when the time comes to utilize these, you will be confident that it works.
Use of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu in healthcare setting
Too many sad news of Emergency medical technicians, nurses and doctors being the victim of assault while trying to do their job. Either an irate family member, friend or the patient themselves.
Healthcare workers should never have to fear for their lives when working to save them. I know first hand as a young resident doctor and now an attending physician, I have witnessed aggressive patients especially in the emergency department setting. The reality is that a hospital or any health care environment has the potential for violence. Security staff may not always be close by to help in these cases.
Workers who have had adequate self-defense training are attacked less often and they incur less serious injuries when they are attacked. If you can confidently take care of yourself, then you can confidently take care of your patients. At Renzo Gracie Naples, we can teach you basic BJJ self-defense techniques to more advanced training that you can use when the need arises.
The physical and mental benefits of BJJ are significant and well-documented. One of the best things about Brazilian Jiujitsu for self-defense is it can be done by anyone. BJJ is all about learning and perfecting your techniques and understand how and when to apply them successfully when in a dangerous scenario.
At Renzo Gracie Jiu-jitsu Academy Naples, we can teach you how to master self-defense through BJJ. Learn from the best with our Gracie Jiujitsu Certified instructors.
Whether you are a seasoned student or new student eager to learn, come try a class with the best! Sign up for a free class on us!